Tool PGXLS is SQL schema with stored procedures for creating files (bytea type) in Excel format (.xlsx). Implemented dependence format on data type, conversion SQL query into sheet with autoformat and more (for more details, see Important qualities)
Usage method
PL/pgSQL function is created that does:
1. Defines variable of type pgxls.xls
2. Sets document cells via stored procedure calls
3. Builds file from varible and returns it
There is also function that builds file by SQL query
Basic procedures
pgxls.create | - | create document |
pgxls.add_row | - | add row |
pgxls.put_cell | - | fill cell: set value and format |
pgxls.get_file | - | build and get file |
pgxls.get_file_by_query | - | create file by SQL query (wrapper) |
pgxls.save_file_by_query | - | save file by SQL query on server (call as superuser) |
More details on page Documentation
Get and save files in SQL manager
-- 1. Create and get file (bytea) by SQL query select pgxls.get_file_by_query('select * from pg_tables'); -- 2. Save Excel file on server by SQL query call pgxls.save_file_by_query('/tmp/top_relations_by_size.xlsx', 'select oid,relname,pg_relation_size(oid) from pg_class order by 3 desc limit 10'); -- 3. Create function that returns file (bytea) create or replace function excel_top_relations_by_size() returns bytea language plpgsql as $$ declare rec record; xls pgxls.xls; begin -- Create document, specify widths and captions of columns in parameters xls := pgxls.create(array[10,80,15], array['oid','Name','Size, bytes']); -- Select data in loop for rec in select oid,relname,pg_relation_size(oid) size from pg_class order by 3 desc limit 10 loop -- Add row call pgxls.add_row(xls); -- Set data from query into cells call pgxls.put_cell(xls, rec.oid); call pgxls.put_cell(xls, rec.relname); call pgxls.put_cell(xls, rec.size); end loop; -- Returns file(bytea) return pgxls.get_file(xls); end $$; -- Get file select excel_top_relations_by_size();
Save files on command line
The psql command line utility returns bytea in hex format, so the reverse conversion is required.
When using programming languages(such as Java, JavaScript, Python, etc.), conversion from hex is not required
#!/bin/bash # Examples of saving files in Linux command line # To convert hex to binary, use xxd utility # When running psql on non-server, install postgres client and specify connection parameters via URI: # psql postgres://[USERNAME]:[PASSWORD]@[SERVER]/[DATABASE] -Aqt -c "... # 1. Create file by SQL query psql -Aqt -c "select pgxls.get_file_by_query('select * from pg_tables')" | xxd -r -ps > pg_tables.xlsx # 2. Save Excel file on server by SQL query psql -c "call pgxls.save_file_by_query('/tmp/top_relations_by_size.xlsx', 'select oid,relname,pg_relation_size(oid) from pg_class order by 3 desc limit 10')" # 3. Save file from SQL function psql -Aqt -c "select excel_top_relations_by_size()" | xxd -r -ps > top_relations_by_size.xlsx
rem Examples of saving files in Windows command line rem To convert hex to binary, use certutil utility and temporary file rem When running psql on non-server, install postgres client and specify connection parameters via URI: rem psql postgres://[USERNAME]:[PASSWORD]@[SERVER]/[DATABASE] -Aqt -c "... rem 1. Create file by SQL query psql -Aqt -c "select pgxls.get_file_by_query('select * from pg_tables')" -o hex.tmp certutil -decodehex -f hex.tmp pg_tables.xlsx rem 2. Save Excel file on server by SQL query psql -c "call pgxls.save_file_by_query('/tmp/top_relations_by_size.xlsx', 'select oid,relname,pg_relation_size(oid) from pg_class order by 3 desc limit 10')" rem 3. Save file from SQL function psql -Aqt -c "select excel_top_relations_by_size()" -o hex.tmp certutil -decodehex -f hex.tmp top_relations_by_size.xlsx
- Large files - data row by row inserted into temporary table, which not requires memory. Separate function is implemented to get large file
- Auto-format - for each column, format is configured depending on data type
- SQL queries - it is possible to add sheet with the results of SQL query
- Styles - for columns and cells, support format, font, border, fill and alignment
- Print setup - for each sheet, the paper format and orientation, title, repeating rows (table header) and margins are specified
- Parallelism - possible to create several files in parallel in one session
Set cells and format in different ways, print setup
-- Create function that returns file create or replace function excel_full() returns bytea language plpgsql as $$ declare xls pgxls.xls; begin -- Create excel, first sheet has 1 column 30 wide and named "Styles" xls := pgxls.create(array[30], sheet_name=>'Styles'); -- Set value and style of cell through universal procedure call pgxls.put_cell(xls, 'Example full'::text, font_name=>'Times New Roman', font_size=>24, font_color=>'FF0000'); -- Set value and style of cell through base procedures call pgxls.add_row(xls, 2); call pgxls.put_cell_timestamp(xls, now()::timestamp); call pgxls.format_cell(xls, border_around=>'thin'); -- call pgxls.add_row(xls, 2); call pgxls.put_cell_integer(xls, 123); call pgxls.format_cell(xls, alignment_horizontal=>'left'); -- call pgxls.add_row(xls, 2); call pgxls.put_cell_numeric(xls, 1234567.89); call pgxls.format_cell(xls, format_code=>pgxls.get_format_code_numeric(3, true), font_name=>pgxls.font_name$monospace(), font_bold=>true); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Add sheet named "Columns" call pgxls.add_sheet(xls, array[10,15,50], array['x','x/3','md5(x)'], 'Columns'); -- Set format of column for numeric type call pgxls.set_column_format_numeric(xls, 2, format_code=>'0.0000', font_name=>pgxls.font_name$sans_serif()); -- Set alignment of column for all types call pgxls.set_column_format(xls, 3, alignment_horizontal=>'center'); -- Set cell values, style defined by column and data type for x in 1..10 loop call pgxls.add_row(xls); call pgxls.put_cell(xls, x); call pgxls.put_cell(xls, x/3.0); call pgxls.put_cell(xls, md5(x::text)); end loop; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Add sheet by query call pgxls.add_sheet_by_query(xls, 'select * from pg_class order by 1 limit 10', 'SQL query'); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Add sheet with merged cells call pgxls.add_sheet(xls, array_fill(10, array[10]), null, 'Merge cells'); for row in 1..10 loop call pgxls.add_row(xls); for col in 1..10 loop call pgxls.put_cell(xls, row||','||col); if row=2 and col=2 then call pgxls.merge_cells(xls, 5/*column_count*/); call pgxls.format_cell(xls, fill_foreground_color=>pgxls.color$light_red()); end if; if row=4 and col=4 then call pgxls.merge_cells(xls, row_count=>5); call pgxls.format_cell(xls, fill_foreground_color=>pgxls.color$light_green()); end if; end loop; if row=6 then call pgxls.merge_cells(xls, 4, 4, 6); call pgxls.format_cell(xls, fill_foreground_color=>pgxls.color$light_blue(), column_=>6); end if; end loop; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Add sheet with wrap text call pgxls.add_sheet(xls, array[40,30], name=>'Wrap text'); call pgxls.set_column_format(xls, 1, alignment_horizontal=>'justify', alignment_text_wrap=>true); call pgxls.set_column_format(xls, 2, alignment_text_wrap=>true); -- Text without line feed call pgxls.put_cell_text(xls, 'A database management system used to maintain relational databases is a relational database management system (RDBMS)'); call pgxls.put_cell(xls, 'Row height calculated with assumptions and may be not optimal, usually line count is slightly larger'::text, font_size=>8); -- Text with line feed <LF> call pgxls.add_row(xls,2); call pgxls.put_cell_text(xls, 'PostgreSQL is a powerful, open source object-relational database system with over 35 years of active<LF>'|| chr(10) || 'development that has earned it a strong reputation for reliability, feature robustness, and performance' ); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Add sheet with print setup call pgxls.add_sheet(xls, array[10,15,10,60], name=>'Print setup'); call pgxls.set_page_paper(xls, format=>'A5', orientation=>'landscape'); call pgxls.set_page_header(xls, 'Example full / sheet "Print setup" page &P of &N'); call pgxls.set_page_rows_repeat(xls, 3); -- table header on each page call pgxls.put_cell(xls, 'Use "Print preview"'::text, font_size=>20, alignment_horizontal=>'center'); call pgxls.merge_cells(xls, 4); call pgxls.add_row(xls); call pgxls.set_all_format(xls, border=>'thin'); call pgxls.add_row_texts(xls, array['x','√x','x²','md5(x)'], font_bold=>true, fill_foreground_color=>pgxls.color$dark_gray(), alignment_horizontal=>'center'); call pgxls.set_all_format(xls, fill_foreground_color=>pgxls.color$light_gray()); call pgxls.set_column_format_numeric(xls, 2, format_code=>'0.0000'); call pgxls.set_column_format(xls, 4, alignment_horizontal=>'center'); for x in 1..100 loop call pgxls.add_row(xls); call pgxls.put_cell(xls, x); call pgxls.put_cell(xls, sqrt(x)::numeric); call pgxls.put_cell(xls, x*x); call pgxls.put_cell(xls, md5(x::text)); end loop; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Return file return pgxls.get_file(xls); end $$; -- Get file select excel_full();
Create and get large file
-- Create function that returns large file by parts create or replace function excel_large_file() returns setof bytea language plpgsql as $$ declare xls pgxls.xls; v_value bigint; begin xls := pgxls.create(array[80]); call pgxls.put_cell(xls, 'Large file'::text, font_bold=>true, font_size=>32, alignment_horizontal=>'center'); call pgxls.add_row(xls); call pgxls.add_row(xls); call pgxls.put_cell(xls, '10 sheets * 4 columns * 10K rows = 4M cells'::text); for v_sheet in 1..10 loop call pgxls.add_sheet(xls, array[10,10,10,50], array['Sheet','Row','Value','md5'], v_sheet::text); call pgxls.set_column_format(xls, 4, font_name=>pgxls.font_name$monospace()); for v_row in 1..10000 loop v_value := v_sheet*v_row; call pgxls.add_row(xls); call pgxls.put_cell_integer(xls, v_sheet); call pgxls.put_cell_integer(xls, v_row); call pgxls.put_cell_integer(xls, v_value); call pgxls.put_cell_text(xls, md5(v_value::text)); end loop; end loop; return query execute pgxls.get_file_parts_query(xls); call pgxls.clear_file_parts(xls); end $$; -- Get large file by parts select excel_large_file();
- Large projects - use on large projects is not recommended: processing binary data in SQL is very inefficient, reports take a long time to create, high CPU usage. In large projects, reports should be created by the backend part of the application
- Compression not supported - data copied, identical lines duplicated
- Row height not optimal - row height calculated with assumptions and may be not optimal
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